A Sweet Christmas Present – Squamish Newborn Photography

I’ve been friends with the M family for quite a few years now… we met at a ball diamond, then I photographed as they exchanged diamonds, and was there to document their son’s first week of life, so it is a huge privilege to get to photograph the newest addition to the family.

Sweet little miss S made her entrance a few weeks before Christmas, but she’s still the best present the family can get this holiday season.  And, unlike her older brother, she slept like a dream for our session.  I am crossing my fingers that she continues to be an all-star sleeper for her parents.

Happy holidays M family… enjoy your Christmas blessing! Merriam1 Merriam2 Merriam3 Merriam4 Merriam5 Merriam6

A sweet little girl — Coquitlam Newborn Photography

Little miss M came to my studio, all cuddled up and sleepy.  She was a doll, letting me pose her with her sleepy smiles, and then she would grace me with her contented awake glaces.

Although little miss M was almost 2 months old, she was easy to work with… probably because her parents are so laid back and relaxed.

Enjoy your teasers…

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A Baby Girl to cuddle — Coquitlam Newborn Photography

I had so much fun with A and I for their maternity shoot, and I knew that the newborn shoot was going to be great.  They had a little girl, so little and precious, and after some great awake shots, she drifted off to sleep and let me pose her however I wanted.

M 2a Baby M Baby 2 M Baby1 M Baby 3 M Baby 2bM Baby