Every year I like to highlight my clients, as I love capturing their moments almost as much as they love receiving their images.
This is what Christmas is about… pure love!
I’m sure that Santa won’t mind sharing his cookies with this little cutie!
22 days seems like a lot of time. Until you add work, school, kids events, Christmas events, shopping, concerts… and then, Christmas is here in a flash.
I hope this stunning mama enjoys her daughter’s first Christmas.
It’s hard to believe, but December is here. And those of you with kids know that there is a balance here, between how fast December slips away, and how long it can seem to take to get to Christmas when you have little voices asking each and every minute of every day “When is it Christmas?”
To pass the time, I’ve created an album on my FaceBook page highlighting my amazing clients from the past year. From brand new babies, to weddings, to just some family love… these people have trusted me to capture their special moments and I feel so happy to have been able to be a part of their memories.
I will also post on my blog each day, counting down, but please feel free to “Like” kim culbert photography on FB and following along there too.